- Technical papers are solicited on the topics pertaining to the scope of the Conference will include, but are not limited to: Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT & Application
- Please prepare a manuscript with a maximum page limit of 6, A4 size pages without author biography. Over length paper will not be considered. Use IEEE conference template for manuscript. Follow below link for the same.
- Maximum number of authors per paper will be 3
- Last date of paper submission: 21-03-2019
- Paper acceptance after review will be conveyed by mail to author/s on: 21-03-2019
- Payment Options:
Payment of Rs. 300/- for IET Member (Includes certification of 1 Author)
Payment of Rs. 500/- for Non-IET Member (Includes certification of 1 Author)
Additional Rs.100/- for certification of remaining authors.
Demand Draft on name and payable at: “Karmaveer Expo” payable at “Nashik” or hard cash can be submitted at the time of reporting.
- Fill the registration form at the link mentioned below.
Winning Prizes are
1st Prize – Rs. 5,000/-, 2nd Prize – Rs. 3,000/- and 3rd Prize – Rs. 2,000/-
Thank you for helping to make a successful conference!